Welcome to Janni's Jinxed Journey, a game where you play a stealthy little witch trying to unseat a necromancer Governor in the age of piracy. 

Note: the Web version is fully playable... but it has many hiccups that occur due to the format. If you want the more complete version, try the windows version.


Jump Press Spacebar while airborn to toggle glide
ETalk to NPC, select Yes/No, advance dialog.
Left Mouse ButtonSleep Spell (works if NPC is unaware of you)


The Dragonfly over Janni's left shoulder indicates her health: green for healthy, yellow for low, and red for very low


Janni can't swim, and her magic will teleport her to the last place she was standing before jumping in the water.

Stealth: Light

Guards can only see Janni in the light. The indicator at the top of the screen indicates how hidden she is and how alert the guards are:

  Black:  Hidden, no guard knows where Janni is.

  Purple: Known, the guards are looking for Janni.

  Orange: Spotted, a guard can see Janni

Bushes provide cover, and when in hidden (black) can protect her from the light.


Programming, Writing, Game Design, Level Design:  Tess Winlock

Music: Cris Luu

Sounds from:  Cris Luu, Nox Sound, Dusty Room, Leohpaz

3D models: Synty Sudios, Bruce D, PolyPerfect

Particle Effects: Hovl Studio

Animations: Mixamo, Blink

UI Assets: Render Knight, LayerLab


Janni's Jinxed Journey - Windows 85 MB


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Great job on putting this together in 7 weeks, Tess! You've got a great sense for environment and how to convey your setting.  I also like the coordinated itch theme with the game's main menu. It helps to immerse the player in the experience.

The game has an interesting and different premise, you are sneaking around and putting the guards to sleep rather than going around cracking skulls. While killing the guards still wouldn't make her equal to the governor, it's a nice touch that she avoids doing harm. Also the NPCs have distinct personalities and goals which supports the narrative well. And I think one of my favorite elements was the portal tree. That was an interesting and creative concept.

Unfortunately, I ran into a few difficulties.  I was having trouble reading the How to Play screen in game because my monitor must be a different resolution than yours. Some of the text at the bottom was cut off. Having a canvas scaler component on the UI Canvas with the UI Scale Mode set to Scale With Screen Size may help. But thank you for adding that info to the description!

Also, The camera collision fought the mouse, so I tried to avoid guards as much as possible.  But the game's emphasis on sneaking let me do that. That was great. But trying to get the camera to cooperate and move around got difficult, so I only made it to the second level. However, you did very well on putting this together. You should be very proud of this game. :D 

If I could make a feature request, though, it would be nice to have some kind of "friendly/neutral" indicator to know which NPCs are hostile and and which won't attack. 

Great job!

- Jess

Aww Thanks Jess! Appreciate all the feedback!! I'll be sure to update with this, since it was also called out in the playtest!